Thile Yellow fungus is very dangerous.It develops internally in the body.And it is more dangerous than black fungus and white fungus.
The first case of yellow fungus recently found in Ghaziabad- Delhi NCR.
Typically, Yellow fungus occurs in animals such as lizard But now it has been found in humans.
Yellow fungus symptomps are :
LETHARGY : Means excessive exhaustion.
WEIGHT LOSS : loss of appetite or very little appetite.
If there is any injury in your body So that injury can't be healed by immune system and natural system until your body suffer from yellow fungus.White fungus is less dangerous than yellow fungus and black fungus.
As compare the most dangerous fungus is yellow yet. After black fungus then white fungus.
We recommend you follow the precautions and be fine because these are rare fungus.but all must be careful.
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