How does the world's happiest country look like.
This is Bhutan, Indians neighbour that doesn't count GDP but GNH- Gross National Happiness. In the few of next minutes we will share 10 reasons.
why which have Bhutan made world's happiest country.
1.No Signal - if you hate traffic or hate waiting at signals then Bhutan is the best place for you because the country has no signals it must be so chaotic, right?
Not at all! People follow traffic rules officers guide vehicle on the street and people follow their orders the secret of Bhutan in happiness is, the people who follow their rules! usually people are more concerned about how to break rules.
2. No Beggars - Bhutan is not a rich country and yet there are no beggars in Bhutan well almost The Secret to Bhutan's happiness isp their population is less than 8 lakhs but they have no Beggars and homeless peoples. Because Bhutan follows a interesting system. If someone loses their land they can reach out to the king of Bhutan he allots a plece of land to that person. They can cultivate that land and make a living obviously this is not a perfect system but there is a provisions and that is more important.
3. Free Education - the secret of bhutan's happiness is that then know the value of education the state sponsors education till 10th standard after higher education is given only by merit, Public Schools cannot collect anything besides a fixed fee. Kids are taught the local language with English. So that kids stay rooted and not be left Behind internationally as well.
4. No Western influence- West influence is a double edged sword scientifically advancements bring certain problems with them. Tourism was not allowed Tel 1999 television and internet was banned in bhutan. I know this can be a good thing as well as a bad thing. But the result Bhutan doesn't face problems like other countries where the other countries mimic western cultures Bhutan is happy the way it is you will understand how and why in the coming points. Even though Bhutan is between China and India that's Bhutan secret of happiness.
6. No Tabacoo - in 2010 Bhutan took an important decision growing tobacco will be banned in Bhutan. Only the country in the world where cigarettes are banned before someone says this Ban was lifted in 2020. This decision is only temporary after was taken because of the covid-19 pandemic yes there are some expectations cigarettes can be imported with a permit with 100% sales tax and 100% customs duty. This increases prices of the cigarettes and many people can't afford them. You don't get cigarettes in local shops. And you want to take your cigarettes to Bhutan you need to pay a hefty fee for it to the government on entry. Public smoking in Bhutan, specific bars and permit rooms are open for smokers. India managers to earn quite a lot of revenue from cigarettes but did you know for every Rs.100 of revenue earned in the form of economic and social or a Health Care costs India's spends out Rs.816 !!
The secret of bhutan's happiness is that it to avoid tobacco.
7. Free Healthcare - Universal Healthcare is a such concept only rich and powerful countries can adopt in their economies but Bhutan has proved us wrong. The constitution guarantees free essential Health Care. Perfect Bhutan PM is a doctor. He practices as a doctor on Saturdays and see the patient but, it's important to know to Bhutan is a small country till 2013 there were only 32 Hospital in Bhutan. To treat complicated diseases. Bhutanese citizens need to go out of the country. Still a progressive concept like Universal Free Healthcare exits in a country as small as Bhutan the reason for that is that bhutan gives equal respect to traditional medicines as well as modern medicines. Bhutan funds indigenous medicines development. They work to find local solutions. This is the secret to Bhutan 's happiness.
8. No Birthday- If you go to Bhutan and ask any local there when they celebrate their birthday. You won't get an answer Bhutan Doesn't Believe in Celebrating Birthdays 60% of Bhutan's population doesn't know their day.of birth. Bhutanese celebrate their birthday on 1st January. They Believe is not the time of receiving Gifts. It's a time of giving gifts because the world and our life are gifts for all of us. We need to give the world a return gift through our actions. This different prespective is the secret of Bhutan 's happiness.
9. Democracy - world's Youngest Democracy. There are two types of democracies in the world. Countries that had democracy since start. Where people fought against the rulers But Bhutan's king took this initiactive by himself and transitioned from absolute authority to a democracy. Bhutan's doesn't have any Navy or Airforce. India take the responsibility for protecting Bhutan. The Indian Army trains their bhutanese counterparts Bhutan is India's friend.
9. Carbon Negative - the only country in the world that is carbon negative this means it absorb more carbon dioxide then it produce which is a gift to the world Bhutan has the law that states that any point of time at least 60% land should be forest land right now 71% land is covered with forests where hunting encouraged species is illegal here and is punishable with the life imprisonment. These are small things using plastic bottles to make prayer wheels aur sustainably controlling the tourism are keeping MNCs like a McDonald's KFC Starbucks out of the country. Because of all of this Bhutan is a place for not only humans but for all other creatures to be happy as well.
10. Well Being - happiness is as important as economy in 1972 the bhutanese king realized GDP is the wrong way of measuring success. Many economists believe GDP as a concept of needs change there are many things that help in overall standard of living like breathable air, good health, culture can't be calculated by GDP that don't have a price tag on them. Homemakers who look after the house. donations that help other people out. Or any activity that is done for free. But help in preserving our culture or environment it doesn't count the things free these are in valuable yet they are not considered Bhutan doesn't measure GDP at its major GNH gross national happiness.
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