Is it possible that this virus was leaked from a lab in Wuhan? Is it possible that this crisis is because of negligence? Many scientists in the world over including British intelligence scientifically, logically with evidence brought these doubts in front of the world.
From the last of 15 months we have been told that covid-19 has a completely natural origins, but without an alternate theory how can be there can be a logical discussion?
Covid can be man-made or built in a lab. This was the logically explained first time by Nicholas Wade.
He has written for the science section at the New York Times. He also published a paper in the bulletin of atomic scientists where he asked a few questions before we understand this question let we rewind December 2019. In December, we hear about the coronavirus for the first time.
Two main theories started to come forward at that time.
First Theory - Natural Occurrence Theory which says the virus came from bats to human. The Wuhan wet markets have many animal species, many of these animals are also consumed. The virus spread to humans from Wuhan wet markets. Many people accepted this theory.
What's the Intermediary animal?
Nicholas Wade asks usually when a coronavirus comes from animals to humans, there is an intermediary animals to aid that transmission. In SARS, the virus jumped from bats to the civet. Civet are consumed in China, that's how the virus made its way to humans, This data was made available in 4 months after the outbreak.
In MERS, the virus came from camels to humans, Camels are consumed as a meat in the Middle East, that's how the virus came from the camels to humans. This link was established within 9 months of the MERS outbreak. So who is the intermediary animal when it comes to covid-19 ?
It has been 15 months since covid-19 was declared a pandemic. But China has not declared the exact species of bats from whom the virus spread to human for the first time. Till date, neither China nor the WHO has this information.
Second Theory - Lab Escape Theory on the other hand China has history of lab accidents, the city of Wuhan has the Wuhan institute of virology which conducts research on different types of viruses. In early 2020, some people question the Origins of covid-19. In feb 2020, many experts wrote a letter in reputed journal The Lancet in which they junked the man made virus theory & called it a conspiracy.
On the basis of this letter every social media outlets started considering every that the virus is man made virus. This stopped all discussions.
Peter Daszak only supporting this letter. He said he had no personal interest in supporting the Lancet Letter, but is this truth? A little research shows he is the president of Eco Health Alliance.
Eco Health Alliance is a NGO that funds worldwide testing on viruses and also non government organisation. Experimenting on viruses and making powerful ones is not new, Even today there are experiments on Polio virus. The reason for this is before the virus can naturally mituate and become more powerful and dangerous to public, if we get a chance to test this in a controlled lab environment, if we can modify the virus we can bring vaccines faster as reduce losses to human life this is called gain of function.
Whats is the conclusion?
Even after starting all these points very clearly, we believe that the origin of covid-19 are not clear. We don't have conclusion we only have some clues. It is also true that China has hidden facts from the world. It is impossible that a country like a China with 1.4 billion people has less than 100000 cases and no second wave of the virus. The whole world must come together and stand up to China.
Hold China accountable and ask the right questions.
If covid-19 has a occured naturally where is the intermediary animal species?
What did China do stop the growth of new cases?
What precautions were taken at the Wuhan laboratory to prevent any virus leak?
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