After corona virus another crisis is waiting for us. Which is used Masks,PPE kits and gloves dust crisis.
If you have seen a few days ago cyclones threw back all the plastic materials that we throw in it. India is country which always have a grabage problem but rising of covid-19 pandamic. The biomedical waste problem comes in front of us.
Solutions of these problem here:
In the whole world we use 129 billion disposable face marks every month,that means we are using 3 million face masks per minute.These marks are made up of plastic material and we don't even know what to do with them. Some times masks through in dustbin or garbage.
These marks get up mixed with other types of waste and after that they pollute our seas and oceans or they go into incinerators and factories which pollute the air.
But there is a simple solution
Dr.Binish desai which also called the recycle man of India. He believe is nothing is useless in the world your waste is someone else's asset. He has own laboratry Wherever he experiments on waste materials And after using these materials, he make useful products in an actual such as from Metal & Textiles waste which making Cinder Blocks and From craft paper waste which making Reusable Sanitary Pads. Dr.Binish has made 193 different innovations! When he was young he thought of making a brick with Chewing gum. But time as passed, Binish perfected his brick.
This is brick 2.0
This is four times stronger than traditional brick. And costs of half as much normal brick. And just look is made up of half amount of old brick. And it is completely safe. The used masks is isolated for 72 hours in dustbin. And send it to Dr.Dinesh on this address
Nothing in nature is truly a waste. We were taught in school energy cannot be created nor be destroyed it can only from one to another. This is a circle of life
nice bro