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Secrets Of Bhutan's Happiness

How does the world's happiest country look like. This is Bhutan, Indians neighbour that doesn't count GDP but GNH- Gross National Happiness. In the few of next minutes we will share 10 reasons. why which have Bhutan made world's happiest country. 1. No Signal - if you hate traffic or hate waiting at signals then Bhutan is the best place for you because the country has no signals it must be so chaotic, right? Not at all! People follow traffic rules officers guide vehicle on the street and people follow their orders the secret of Bhutan in happiness is, the people who follow their rules! usually people are more concerned about how to break rules. 2. No Beggars - Bhutan is not a rich country and yet there are no beggars in Bhutan well almost The Secret to Bhutan's happiness isp their population is less than 8 lakhs but they have no Beggars and homeless peoples. Because Bhutan follows a interesting system. If someone loses their land they can reach out to the king of Bhuta...

Top 10 Different Career options

What career field have a scope in the future?
What are career options that can earn you a good income?
Can we make a career in a field like gaming?

The biggest problem when it comes to careers is that we just don't know all the options available to us if we can play games and make that our career.

Top 10 Different Career options

20 years ago, if you wanted to be an app developer you couldn't because there were no apps or smartphones. The top apps today most desired workplaces. The world has changed a lot in the few years. This change is not stopping anytime soon ! It is important to choose careers that are future proof.

Top 10 Different Career options !

These careers are going to have a lot of demand worldwide. So that you and your friends can learn new career options.

Top 10 Different Career options

- Artist when you hear this word you can imagine typical image. A poor man wearing a kurta, roaming with a jhola bag, but the 21st century art is different through NFT or Non Fungible Tokens the artist of today know how to market their art.

Top 10 Different Career options

Maybe you're not aware, but there are already digital options happening for art where people are selling their digital art and earning millions. For example businesses are going to digital. Businesses will need creative posts, logos etc for their marketing, also from menu cards to interior designers. The scope of work for creative people will go up.

Top 10 Different Career options

What skills will a person need? 

You will need to be a familiar with technology. Earlier artist painted with the paint brushes and paint today artist paint digitally using softwares. Most importantly you will have to learn how to make art, not only for yourself but for your end customer.

Top 10 Different Career options

2. Healthcare - paramedical staff other allied medical professions, dentists. These traditional options are not going to go anywhere but when we considered Health Care as a whole Technology will end up creating new jobs here. Developing country like India need telemedicine urgently, there are corners of India where heavy Medical equipment can't go telemedicine can ensure a doctor's expertise reaches such corners.

Top 10 Different Career options

In the future 5G Technology will improve internet connectivity, doctors will be able to do remote control surgeries across India. Obviously Health Care is a very demanding profession but if you have aptitude it can be fulfilling as well, you may have to face a lot of tragedy in your life, so you have to be mentally strong.

Top 10 Different Career options

3. ECO FRIENDLY SOLUTIONS - Climate change is real we are desperately need Eco Warriors in the world, we need to understand that NGOs can help up to a limit. Ultimately we will need social entrepreneur. You can find solution and reduce our problems. Solar energy has a scope, also there is a scope in eco friendly brick and there is a scope in reducing water wastage in the country. 

Top 10 Different Career options

Corporates are working to make their products from sustainable, your love for the environment can help corporates with this. Initially people will laugh at you because you will have to go against the flow and challenge everything that has been going on for years. If you give up easily don't do this ! 

Top 10 Different Career options

4. MACHINE LEARNING - This is complicated so let me explain with the story, in 2017 an incident shocked the world. Stockfish 8 is a chess program that can calculate 17 million chess positions in 1 second. This program has decades of chess data to analyze. In 2017 Google's Alpha zero chess program played 100 games with stockfish 8 and Alpha zero did not lose even a single game. 

Top 10 Different Career options

The surprising thing is no human taught Alpha zero how to play. Alpha zero learn how to play chess by playing against itself and that too it taught itself in just 4 hours! It took a new chess program only 4 hours to go from 0 to 1 that machine learning.

Top 10 Different Career options

5. LAW - we will need International lawyers in the coming times. In the last two years we have produce 90% of total data on the internet intellectual property rights patents, trademarks, copyrights we will need people to protect these as well to interpret these our laws and lawyers will need to be upgraded. When we do have robots what country's rules will they follow? If a self driving car gets into an accident then who is responsible ? The passenger the company or the engineer?

Top 10 Different Career options

The more Complex the world around us keeps getting we will need to form those many rules to keep things organized. There will be many more who will break these rules, the world will need more lawyers to uphold Laws rules and regulations. Lawyers have to keep updating and upgrading themselves if you enter law with a this will set my life without work in mentality then you will become a very mediocre lawyer and I don't think you want that.

Top 10 Different Career options

6. DATA SCIENCE - when Google launched their email services Gmail, they started offering their customers 1GB data storage, Even Bill Gates wondered who will need 1 GB data storage, today we know when it comes to data even experts like Bill Gates got their predictions wrong. Data is the new oil of 21st century. Cyber security, ethical hacking are very interesting fields, free services on the internet are only available for free because they take our data as payment for their services the fact is.

Top 10 Different Career options

Today for our convenience we are ready to sacrifice our data privacy in fact, this is what data scientist do. They use our data to give us best experience. Information is scattered around the internet organizing this data in a meaningful way interpreting it and using it to build new products will be an in-demand job in the coming Times. Today, Tata scientist in the US get paid around Rs. 1 crore . Where there is a more money there is also competition where you got your education from what is your experience and what you are your natural skills this matter here. 

Top 10 Different Career options

7. EMPATHY - empathy and sympathy are two different things. Sympathy is taking a pity on someone and empathy means understanding someone's pains and troubles. Understanding others pain is a soft skill not a hard science. Professionals like therapist life coaches, mentors and counsellors are going to be in demand in the coming future. Psychology is everywhere from Clinical Psychology to consumer behaviour it's everywhere. Look at any brands logo it tells your story if not directly and through their designs also throw their fonts, psychologist help designers understand consumer behaviour as time passes our young entrepreneurs will keep getting younger kids will start talking pressure from a young age. Think about it, where will they go for help and for guidance? There is power in understanding how people behave. So, what skill will you need ? You will have to be a guiding light for people, you will have to separate their pain from yourself. 

Top 10 Different Career options

8. GAMING - In our childhood we were always told that playing games on the computer is waste of time but did you know the prize pool of fortnite World Cup? Johan Sundstein is 27 year old. He is the world's richest e- sport player. He purchased a 17 bedroom mansion in Lisbon, Portugal. The Global gaming industry is worth $300 billion and is growing rapidly in India as well. And we are not just talking about competitive Gamers. Gaming related fields are going to grow as well. Organizers, commentators, journalist and reviewers such fields are going to be in demand as well. 

Top 10 Different Career options

The proof is in front of you. It's not a coincidence that the world highest subscribed individual youtuber creator made his entire career based on gaming and comedy. People who do not considered gaming as a career option are not keeping up with the changing Times but gaming as a career is not at all easy. Like any other sport this required a lot of discipline the big difference between amateurs and professional Gamers. 

Top 10 Different Career options

Professional Gamers considered their game as their job they make strategies on how to improve their game constantly.

Top 10 Different Career options

9. WASTE - who said waste does not have any value? China recovered so much Cobalt early from their waste that it actually the amount of Mined during the year. Let us considered electronic waste. Every person changes his/her phone once at least every 2 years, then what happens to our old and unused phones? Either they are kept in a drawer or are thrown in the dustbin but your phones literally have gold in them. What if you can collect e waste in your area and scientifically dismantle the components and convert into a business? Waste management is a $2 trillion industry globally. We need people to take waste seriously in India For this, you will need to be an entrepreneur. You will need to build your own team for this, you will need to build a product that can help the environment there is a money in the field, but like every business earning money takes time initially. 

Before we reveal the top job of the future I want to tell you one fact Oxford study says Robots will eat up 20 millions Job's sometime in the future. People shifted from horse wagons to steam engines in 19th century. The drivers that used to drive the horse Wagon before shift to driving the steam engines instead horses went out, engines come in. But in the 21st century it is possible that not just the car but also the driver get obsolete because of technology that is why it is critical for you to choose a career that will exist for the next 50 years or so.

Top 10 Different Career options

8. The number 1 job of the future is - LEADERSHIP if you look at history of think about the future. We have always needed a leader earlier we used to have Kings. Today, entrepreneurs are the leaders they are the business leaders. Leaders are not job taker they are job giver leaders find opportunity not just for themselves but for their team. Rather than external factors the depend on internal factors for growth it doesn't matter what the field is. Agriculture needs leaders to bring small and marginal farmers together and start FPO- farmers producer organization. 

Top 10 Different Career options

We need leaders in technology. India is a country of 1.3 billion people, it is the world's second largest Market and to manage such huge volumes of data the country needs Innovation and leadership. Weather fectory has machines or labourers. We need leaders to manage them. Leaders take responsibilities.


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